One of my favorite memories of Dona was one day when we had a confused patient on the unit, Dona the "always a nurse at heart" had gone on to see if she could help him with is his confusion. The patient was wearing "mitts" so he could not do some of the things he had been doing to get out of the bed. While Dona was in the room talking to him, the patient took his hand in the mitt and hit her on the side of her head. She continued to talk to him, at a little bit more of a distance, but not so far, he could not reach her. Dona got him to settle down and had turned to leave the room when the patient patted her on her butt. She came out of the patients room and came into the nursing station a bit insensed, she was telling us about this. I could not help myself, the way she was telling it, it sounded sooooooo funny, that I laughed until the tears were rolling down my face. Dona, when I started laughing, still a bit insensed but with a half a grin said, "DAVID!!! It's not funny". By the time I gained my composure she was laughing about the whole thing. I became quite a standing thing for me to tease her about. She was such a dear hearted soul. I miss her so very much. I have been in nursing a long time. But Dona still have things to teach each of us, and she always done it willing and with joy. She knew how to get her employees to do what she wanted them to, without much grumbling from them. We all knew Dona was tough, but we understood where she was coming from and would do what we were supposed to do for her. I think Dona had the constitution of a bull. She would come into work when she could hardly walk and would work the full day. She would come into work when she was 2-3 pints of blood low and would work the day, and then get her blood transfusions. I admired her and always will. Dona, I know your soul was in Heaven before you exhaled the last time. Your friend, employee and coworker, David